Woman doctor talking to a male patient and showing him a brain image on a tablet.

Are Concussions Considered a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Understanding Concussions

Many may brush off a concussion as a mild injury and may think it's nothing to worry about. In short, a concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and when left undiagnosed or untreated, it can increase a victim's risk of developing further complications.

How Do Concussions Happen?

A concussion is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the brain to move back and forth in a rapid motion against the skull. This sudden movement creates chemical changes in the brain and can stretch and damage brain cells. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the top reasons why someone could sustain a concussion is motor vehicle accidents as well as falls, sports-related accidents, and acts of violence.

The Three Types of TBIs

There are three types of TBIs — mild, moderate, and severe. Concussions are considered a mild form of a TBI. However, it's critical to remember that the term “mild” should not be taken lightly when referring to TBIs. Read on to learn the symptoms and long-term effects of a concussion when left undiagnosed or untreated.

How Do I Know If I Have a Concussion?

Concussion symptoms may not show up for days or weeks after the initial injury. For this reason, it's critical to seek medical attention immediately. For instance, suppose you've been involved in a car accident, and afterward, you feel “fine.” Feeling okay doesn't mean that you don't have a concussion or other severe brain injury. Your symptoms could take longer to surface, so getting checked out is always in your best interest. If you are experiencing the following symptoms after an accident, it could indicate you have a concussion:

  • Headaches or feeling pressure in the head
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Feeling “foggy” or sluggish
  • Feeling confused or “groggy.”
  • Trouble remembering or paying attention
  • Temporary loss of consciousness
  • Feeling irritable or anxious
  • Tiredness/drowsiness
  • Rining in the ears
  • Problems with keeping balance

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?

When concussion symptoms last longer than the expected recovery period, it's known as post-concussion syndrome. Some post-concussion symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, concentration problems, and memory issues can last months, a year, or more. Post-concussion syndrome may also be linked to neck injuries that co-occurred with a head injury.

How Are Concussions Treated?

According to Mayo Clinic, in the first few days after sustaining a concussion, patients must get physical and mental rest to aid in the brain's recovery process. This means limiting activities that require thinking or mental concentration in the first two days after a concussion. For example, limit watching TV, reading, texting, or using a computer, as these activities can exacerbate symptoms. Over time, your doctor may recommend gradually increasing activities as long as what you are doing does not trigger symptoms.

Every concussion case is different, so it's critical to listen to your doctor's orders when it comes to returning to normal activities. You may also be required to undergo diagnostic tests such as MRIs and CAT scans to determine if your head injury is more than just a concussion.

Suffered a TBI in a Car Crash? Contact Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. Today.

Car accident ruin your day? Call Del Rio & Caraway! Whether mild, moderate, or severe, if you or a loved one suffered a brain injury after a car crash, we are here to help you hold the negligent parties accountable for their careless actions. When you need support when going through a difficult time, our experienced lawyers are ready to protect your right to receive compensation for your injuries.

Contact Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. today at (916) 229-6755 or send us a messageto discuss your case.
